Finally, Sabotage Studio’s Sea of Stars has a launch date! Originally slated for a late 2022 release, the game was delayed to a non-specific 2023 release window. But in Nintendo’s latest Direct on February 8th, 2023, it was given a definite release date: August 28th, 2023.

The hype for the game is building up as more screenshots and videos with impressive visuals and promising gameplay feats keep popping up. The Nintendo Direct marks the beginning of the game’s home stretch marketing campaign. Everything indicates that this could be another home run for Sabotage, which was praised for its other indie darling ‘The Messenger’, released in 2018.
The game will be released on Steam, Switch, and PS4/5, but there is no word on an Xbox release. It was mentioned in the original Indiegogo campaign but disappeared after the game’s delay announcement.
Just to refresh your mind, check out the announcement trailer: