This is a Spy Bros : Pipi & Bibi’s DX review for Nintendo Switch and PC (Steam) and available for $7.99 / €7.99 / £7.99 / ¥800 in the digital storefronts.
Spy Bros : Pipi & Bibi’s DX is a game that got me doubting my retro gaming knowledge.
I consider myself to be an expert with everything related to retro gaming, so why have I never heard of this game before? It’s getting an remaster for the Nintendo Switch for crying out loud and I don’t know anything about it? How can this be?
After doing some research the answer came rather quickly. Spy Bros : Pipi & Bibi’s DX was developed and published by Toaplan and released exclusively in the arcades in 1991. Back then it was simply called Pipi & Bibi’s and it never got ported to the home consoles and for a good reason.

That’s because Pipi & Bibi are on the hunt for 8-bit boobies! That’s right the original Spy Bros was an adult game. Now to be clear, this game didn’t consisted out of 100% adult content. At its core it was an single screen action platform game with six buildings. These six buildings all have four stages. After you’ve beaten a stage 1-4 of a woman’s picture is shown. When you clear all four stages of a building the full picture (4-4) of a lady in a provocative position is revealed. I now know why I have never heard of this game before. It was an obscure arcade only release with adult content.
The Remaster
So the question that everybody is asking right now…. Is the naughty stuff still in the remastered version?
NO!! Of course not! We are living in the age of easy accessible porn, but 16-bit boobs in a Nintendo Switch game? God Forbid. [Editor Dan, Interrupting here, I’ve heard from…. anonymous sources that the Nintendo eShop is filled with all kinds of nasty stuff, Nintendo does not care.] The ladies have been replaced by Pipi & Bibi artwork and the game is suitable for all ages now.

The Actual Game(play)
Spy Bros was developed by Toaplan, The same company that also gave us Snow bros.
But despite that I most honestly say that the game reminds me more of elevator action or hotel Mario. You play as one of the spy bros that look like an off brand or a alternate reality version of the Super Mario Brothers. After you pick one of the brothers the one screen platforming action begins.
You will have to make your way threw four levels of a building and there are six buildings so 24 levels in total. Your walking up the stairs, taking elevators or jumping on trampolines and in the meantime your placing bombs on computers and zapping enemies that come in all shapes and sizes. You will have to avoid and zap mobsters, clowns and scientist for example.
The main focus of the game is the placing of bombs on the computers. After you place the last bomb on a computer the countdown begins and you have to Run to the exit. A simple arcade game concept that doesn’t overstay its welcome.
Spy Bros : Pipi & Bibi's DX is a very simple yet perfectly executed pick up and play arcade game.
It has nice and tight controls. The music is catchy as hell and there are lots of extras in this version. But with that said, I must also emphasize that it's no masterpiece and the gameplay and novelty wears thin quite quickly.