During the Guerilla Collective showcase Apogee Entertainment announced Quest master, Developed by Skydevilpalm. The “game” brings you a robust toolset to build retro looking top-down dungeons and create your own adventure. From what we can make of the trailer you have several ways to make your own jrpg, action rpg or action adventure like Zelda. Once you have created your adventure world filled with enemies, quests and npc’s you can play through the game solo or with friends.
“Quest Master hands over the controls to the players to make whatever they want,” said Julian Creutz, Lead Developer of Quest Master. “The possibilities are endless, and we can’t wait to see all kinds of wacky dungeons and full-blown adventures players are able to come up with.”
To learn more and stay up to date follow @PlayQuestMaster and @Apogee_Ent on Twitter, subscribe to the Apogee Entertainment YouTube channel, and join the Discord servers of both Quest Master and Apogee Entertainment.