Author: Rob

Metroidvania's, soulslike or any game that calls for self-flagellation is what this dutch guy loves. How harder and relentless the game is, the more joy he gets out of it. But don't tell anyone he likes some easy games as well.


This Musashi vs. Cthulhu review is based on the Xbox Series X version. Musashi vs. Cthulhu is also available for Nintendo Switch, PS4/PS5 and PC. Nostalgic flashback Do you remember those old-school flash games you could play on the internet? I used to play a lot of those during my high school days. They were easy to pick up and could get you hooked for hours. Especially when there were leaderboards involved, I would go into ultra-challenge mode with my friends to reach the top. My first look at Musashi vs. Cthulhu brought back those memories. Musashi vs. Cthulhu lets…

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São Luís, a small island in northeast Brazil, is best known for its folklore about a giant enchanted serpent that purportedly resides in the underground galleries of downtown. According to the myth, different parts of the reptile are believed to be located in various areas of the island’s center. Legend has it that when the head and tail of the serpent finally meet, the island will be doomed and destined to sink to the bottom of the ocean. Brazilian folklore Brazilian game developer Ops Game Studio brings us a story based on this folklore with their newest game, Lunar Axe.…

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This review of Geometry Survivor is based on the XBox Series S/X version of the game. It is also released on Steam (PC), Nintendo Switch and Playstation 4 and 5. At the end of 2022, Vampire Survivors breathed new life into the roguelite genre. I’ve spent many hours playing this gem, with its simple yet addictive gameplay keeping me hooked for hours (92 hours to date). It’s no surprise that it spawned numerous clones trying to capitalize on its success. One of the latest clones is Geometry Survivor. If I hadn’t looked up the developer, I would have thought it…

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This review was done on a Xbox Series s/x, Lords of exile is also available on Nintendo switch, Playstation 4 and Steam. One of my most favorite franchises by far is the Castlevania series. I grew up with entries like Symphony of the Night and Aria of Sorrow, which took the Castlevania concept to new heights. Together with the Metroid franchise, it developed a whole new genre commonly known as Metroidvania, which remains relevant for the franchise to this day. Its earlier installments, on the other hand, were much more platforming action-based. I have to confess that I didn’t play…

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In 2020, Belgian game studio Rogueside brought us the well-praised Hidden Through Time, a fun and relaxing hidden objects game that took players through various parts of humanity’s history. Together with my son (who was 3 years old back then), I spent some time finding all the objects. It was a good experience as I could introduce my son to gaming in a relaxing way. You’ll understand I was thrilled to pick up this second installment so I could enjoy some quality father and son time. Nonetheless, I was curious to see if it offered more compared to the first…

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Point-and-click adventures – you either love them or hate them. It’s a slow-paced genre centered around delivering a compelling story and mind-boggling puzzles. One thing is for sure: back in the ’80s and ’90s, the genre thrived thanks to developers like LucasArts and Sierra, bringing us hit after hit. I devoured many of these classics like fresh bread. Games such as King’s Quest, Monkey Island, and Discworld kept me wrecking my brain over their puzzles. Nowadays, the genre has been overshadowed by fast-paced shooters, action games, and sports games. Fortunately, there are still a handful of developers who still give…

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Retroware, the developers behind Angry Video Game Nerd 1&2 Deluxe, have recently unveiled their upcoming project titled “The Transylvania Adventure of Simon Quest.” A glance at the trailer makes it pretty obvious where this parody/hommage takes it’s inspiration from. “The Transylvania Adventure of Simon Quest” promises to deliver a classic 8-bit platforming experience reminiscent of the old NES days. Featuring an option to randomize items, a variety of weapons, and a Metroidvania-style world (no surprise there), it seems poised to transport players back to the nostalgic days of classic gaming. “The Transylvania Adventure of Simon Quest” is set for a…

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Have you ever heard of Countryballs, an online satirical comic and meme? These comics feature ball-like characters in various scenarios, generally poking fun at national stereotypes, international relations, and historical events. The origin of this internet phenomenon dates back to 2009 when a group of Polish frequent visitors to several Polish websites took over a free online drawing canvas on They painted the whole canvas into a Polish flag, and in the middle, they wrote the word “POLSKA.” The Countryballs, as we know them today, are a continuation of the format made popular by illustrator Falco and have a…

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It wasn’t until last year that I really got into roguelike games. It all started with Vampire Survivors, which hooked me for almost 100 hours. With its simplistic yet satisfying gameplay, it became one of the biggest hits among roguelike lovers, including myself. In my quest to find another roguelike gem, I stumbled upon the trailer for Ak-xolotl. At first glance, it featured fast-paced shooting with axolotl creatures (what were they thinking?), but the trailer made me giggle. I was genuinely intrigued by it. But can it live up to the fun I had with Vampire Survivors? Nobody steals our…

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When I was younger, I used to play a lot of 3D platformers. Games like Rayman 2, Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, and Donkey Kong 64 were played back to back several times. So you’ll understand I always had a soft spot for this genre. The first time I saw footage of Boti Byteland: Overclocked, I was intrigued. The 3D environment looks great, and reminds me of those early 3D platformers I used to love. Together with the classic gameplay, I was up for a great nostalgic throwback. But to be honest, although the game was fun to play, it left me…

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